20 Messages for Breast Cancer Patients When You Don’t Have the Words

20 Messages for Breast Cancer Patients When You Don’t Have the Words - Titty City Design - You Can Do Hard Things - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October - Encouraging Notes

Estimated read time: 8 minutes

You know what Breastie? 

When you’re going through a hard journey, a journey that is taking all your strength and perseverance, sometimes the right words from friends and family can make all the difference.

Words of hope and love can give us power. They can lift us up and make us feel like we can conquer anything. And they can show us just how loved we really are. 

That’s why sending a card filled with support to someone who needs it the most is so special. And one of the most challenging journeys some women go through is breast cancer. 1 in 8 women in the United States alone will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in her lifetime. If you or someone you love is battling breast cancer, then we are so sorry, and you have our unconditional love and support.

As a Titty positive brand, we’re proud to donate a proceeding of our sales to breast cancer charities. And nothing brings us more joy than designing Brave Boobie products to support these incredible women. 

One of our latest products is our Brave Boobies greeting cards, which are perfect for sending to someone who might need a little extra love and support. And to help give you some inspiration for what to write on your card, here are 20 messages for breast cancer patients.  

We hope they help. 

What to write on cards for breast cancer patients

When you’re at a loss for words and you’re heartbroken to hear from a loved one that they have been diagnosed with breast cancer, it can be difficult to know what to say. 

You want to help. To do something to take away their pain and fear. But sometimes, the best thing you can do is send a heartfelt note to let them know they are always in your thoughts, and that you’re there for them. These messages for cancer patients include uplifting and thoughtful words to make them smile, cheer them up, or just let them know they’re not alone.


  1. I know that the road ahead of you looks long and frightening, but I wanted to let you know that we are all here to love and support you every step of the way. You’re never alone. 

  1. It might not feel like it right now, but you are strong, brave, and so amazing. You’ve got what it takes to beat this thing. Keep fighting.


  1. Never let the hope or strength fade away from your incredible spirit. You are so much braver than you could possibly imagine. 

  1. May your treatment and positivity help heal you, and may this card lift your spirits and show you that we’re rooting for you constantly. You’re always in our thoughts and wishes.

  1. I always knew how strong and brave you were. Now everyone else will see it too. You’ve got this.

  1. Sending you all the hugs in the world. The quick but meaningful hugs, the long and quiet hugs, the squeeze the life out of you hugs, and the tight, never want to let you go bear hugs. 

 Pink Feminist Body Positive Greeting Card for Lactation Breast Reduction Mastectomy Breast Cancer

  1. I know how scared you were about losing your hair. Just know that you are beautiful, and even when your hair is gone, you’re still you. And you will always look beautiful. 

  1. I am so proud of how you are continuing to be the most amazing mother, in spite of your breast cancer journey. Your strength and loving spirit are an inspiration, and I am in awe of you. 

  1. Even though there are moments or days where you feel angry, tired, and sick, I cannot tell you how amazed I am by how gracefully you’re dealing with your diagnoses. You constantly impress me with your positivity and strength. 


  1. I know how grueling your treatment has been, and you deserve to celebrate your incredible strength for getting through each and every round of treatment. We’re all cheering you on and celebrating every milestone. 


  1. You have always been such an inspirational fighter. And, like always, you’ve proven there is no situation you can’t handle. 

  1. You have faced every doctor’s appointment, meeting, and treatment with strength, grace, and positivity, and I am so amazed at how powerful and brave you are. 


  1. Wonder Woman has got nothing on you! You are a role model for women everywhere and I am so proud to know you. 

  1. There is no doubt in my mind that you will tackle cancer the same way you have with every other challenge in your life: with determination, positivity, and your enviable kick-ass attitude. 


  1. I know that right now you are living with cancer. But one day soon, you’ll be living without it. I know you will. Keep fighting!


  1. Any time I’m having a bad day or a tough moment, I think of you and your amazing attitude and it inspires me to pick myself up and keep going. You are such an inspiration, both to me and everyone around you. 


  1. Just a short note to say that you are not alone. We all love and care about you so much. More than you’ll ever know. 

  1. No matter what you’re feeling, whether you want to laugh, scream, or cry, just pick up the phone and lay it on me. We’ll laugh, scream, and cry together.

  1. Cancer has picked the wrong gal to mess with! It doesn’t stand a chance against you! You’ve got this.

  1. I hate that I don’t have the words to express how I’m feeling about your diagnosis. So, I’ll just say this: I love you, I am always here for you, and I am beyond proud of you.


    We're here for you Breastie

    It always helps to know that your loved one has a cheerleader in their corner. With these messages for breast cancer patients, you can be their support system and lift their spirits with your love and words of encouragement.



    At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female-owned and operated, small business here to spread self-love and body positivity with our line of boob apparelboob accessories, and boob-themed decor and products for the home. A portion of our proceeds goes to help support postpartum people and breast cancer patients.


    Brave Boobies Collection

    You are Boobiful

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