Sweating Postpartum and Pregnancy: How Long Does Postpartum Sweating Last?

Sweating Postpartum and Pregnancy- How Long Does Postpartum Sweating Last? - Let's Talk Titties Blog - Night Sweats - Titty City Design

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Waking up drenched in sweat? Let's talk night sweats.

Whether you’ve still got a few months to go in your pregnancy journey, or you’ve just given birth to your precious little babe, one thing you might not have expected is excess sweating.

We don’t need to call it glowing here mamas. Let’s call it out how it is. Many women experience excess sweating during pregnancy and after giving birth, and it’s a totally normal and natural part of pregnancy and childbirth. 

We know it sucks Breast Friend, but you are not alone. In this article, we’ll explore why some women sweat more during pregnancy and postpartum, and answer the question how long does postpartum sweating last. 

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Why do I sweat so much during pregnancy?

There’s no doubt that pregnancy is a rollercoaster of physical and emotional changes. And yes, sweating is a symptom of pregnancy. During pregnancy, your amazing body goes through a bunch of changes, all necessary to grow and nurture your baby. Some of these changes can lead to increased sweating. Let’s look at some of the reasons.

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What causes excessive sweating during pregnancy?

Growing a baby is hard work Breastie. Both your hormone levels and blood flow increase, which causes your body temperature to rise. Your body is performing the natural reaction of sweating to try and cool you down.

  • Emotional and physical stress | Even though pregnancy is a beautiful thing, it can be emotionally and physically demanding on your body and mind, and this can cause excess stress and anxiety, leading to stress-related sweating.
  • Hormonal changes | Yep. There are A LOT of hormonal changes when you’re pregnant. Your body experiences huge hormonal fluctuations, particularly with the rise in your estrogen levels. This rise can stimulate your sweat glands, make you feel warmer than usual and cause you to sweat more.
  • Metabolism | Did you know that your metabolic rate rises during pregnancy? This is to help your body meet the demands of your growing baby. The result? An increase in your core temperature and – you guessed it – more sweating.
  • Blood volume | Your blood volume increases during pregnancy to support your baby. This can cause you to feel warmer and sweat more.

Don’t forget, your beautiful body is working for two now, so some excess sweating is normal. If you’re concerned about the amount you’re sweating during pregnancy, speak to your midwife or health professional to get their advice.

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Are postpartum night sweats normal?

Ugh. You’ve woken up and are soaked in sweat. Again! You may be wondering to yourself, why have I been sweating more since having a baby? Especially at night! It feels like you are having postpartum hot flashes and sweating through your clothes and sheets at night. 

With your baby nestled up next to you in the morning, all you can think is I have to change my bed sheets again. At this point, you might be thinking to yourself, are postpartum night sweats normal?

Well, the good news is, you’re not alone, Breastie. Postpartum sweating at night is very common. Postpartum chills and night sweats are part of the package.

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Why am I sweating so much at night after giving birth?

During your pregnancy, your body retains a lot of extra water. This is resolved after giving birth when your body sheds the water after delivery through excess sweating and increased urination. It’s very common to sweat more after giving birth, especially at night. Just think of it as your pores working overtime! It’s also possible that the dramatic drop in estrogen right after delivery is also a contributing factor to those sweaty nights. 

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Does breastfeeding cause night sweats?

Breastfeeding people tend to experience night sweats a little more than people who feed their baby with formula. The cause is likely due hormonal and metabolic changes. Prolactin, the hormone that is responsible for producing breast milk, keeps estrogen levels lower in people that are lactating. One of the main side effects of low estrogen is sweating.   

Night sweats postpartum can feel very similar to menopausal hot flashes, where you get a feeling of intense warmth in your body followed by sweating and feeling chilled. It can also come with a rapid heartbeat and feelings of anxiety. These flashes tend to last for a few seconds up to a few minutes. 

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When will I stop sweating postpartum?

While night sweats usually clear up on their own as your hormones get back to their normal levels, they can make it hard to sleep, which can make you feel more tired, stressed, and emotional. Be kind to yourself and accept every offer of help presented to you. Speak to your partner and let them know how you’re feeling. This is a journey you shouldn’t have to go on alone.

So, how long do postpartum night sweats last? 

It’s important to remember that postpartum night sweats vary from person to person. They are a normal and natural reaction to changing hormone levels for the first few weeks after giving birth. In fact, some studies show that 35% of women have excess sweating during pregnancy and 29% experience night sweats after childbirth. 

Like we mentioned earlier, postpartum sweating can last several weeks after delivery, and it tends to last longer if you’re breastfeeding. There is some research that shows postpartum night sweats are at their worst for the first two weeks after giving birth, and then start to go down gradually over the following weeks.  

Remember though Breastie, if your sweating persist or become severe, it’s super important to speak to your doctor for further evaluation and advice. 

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How do you control postpartum night sweats?

So now we know why these pesky postpartum sweats happen, let’s look at some ways to cope with them, and make your postpartum experience more comfortable. Here’s how to cope with postpartum night sweats:

  • Opt for breathable fabrics. Fill your wardrobe with lightweight, breathable clothing in natural fibers. Treat yourself to some extra bedding made from moisture-wicking material to help manage your body’s temperature.
  • Stay hydrated. You might think by drinking more you’re adding to the sweat situation, but being dehydrated can exacerbate night sweats. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and keep a bottle or tumbler of water on your nightstand to keep your fluids up at night.
  • Take cool showers. Before going to bed, hop in a lukewarm shower to help lower your body temperature before turning in.
  • Create a comfy bedroom. Even if your partner complains about the cold, keep your bedroom cool and well-ventilated to reduce your chances of overheating in bed. Keep your windows open or keep your aircon on a low setting. 
  • Eat well. Your diet can play a big role in your night sweats. Try and avoid things like spicy, fatty foods and caffeine, especially leading up to bedtime.
  • Get zen. Try and engage in some calming relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to help minimize stress and anxiety. 
  • Use protection. Whip a towel over your pillow and use a cotton mattress protector to protect your bedding from sweat. You can keep spare towels and even spare sets of PJs by your bed in case you need to change them during the night.  

If your sweating is ever accompanied by a fever, it can indicate that you have an infection, so make sure you speak to your healthcare provider if you think your sweating is excessive or there might be something else going on.

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Sweaty but still beautiful do you control postpartum night sweats?

We know this is a challenging time Breastie. And excess sweating is the last thing you need right now, but by following these simple steps, you can help yourself as your body adjusts to this new period in your life.

Try to be patient with your body. Things will get better with time. You’ve got this mama.  

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to share it on social media, send the link to fellow mom friends, and join our supportive online mom community on Instagram and TikTok @tittycitydesign.

At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female-owned and operated, small business here to spread self-love and body positivity with our line of boob apparel, boob accessories, and boob-themed decor and products for the home. A portion of our proceeds goes to help support postpartum people and breast cancer patients.

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