Top Supportive Motherhood Trends in 2024

Embracing Support _ Motherhood Trends in 2024 - The Breast is yet to Come - Titty City Design - Let's Talk Titties Blog

Estimated read time: 16 minutes

Hey beautiful Mama! As we enter 2024, there is some extra baggage that we’re leaving behind in 2023. 

2024 is not just another year. It's an opportunity to embrace support, make choices with confidence that serve your needs, and find joy.

Motherhood is certainly unique to every one of us. And we believe that we should each feel empowered in our own motherhood journey.

If you are expecting your first baby in 2024 or expecting another baby this year… Congratulations! We are so thrilled for you and want you to feel supported. That’s why we have put together a list of things that are no longer serving us while preparing for the postpartum days, weeks, and months that come after birth.

We are redefining what support looks like this year. Read on to see what we are leaving behind in 2023… Maybe you’ll find some things you are planning to leave behind as well.

Let's dive into a journey of empowered motherhood together as we look through our 2024 motherhood trends.

In this article, we discuss what needs to go in 2024:

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Boob Mug Baby Shower Gift

Parental leave guilt: ‘Good-bye’ societal pressures for non-birthing parents, too

Parental leave is a hot topic! So, let's talk about this whole parental leave guilt thing. First and foremost, mama, there's no need for guilt. Society may throw expectations at us, but in 2023, we're flipping the script. Your time with your little one is precious, and there's no guilt in taking the time you need. Click here to revisit our blog post on embracing a guilt-free parental leave.

And this year we are leaving behind the stigma of parental leave for the non-birthing parent, and we are encouraging both the birthing parent and non-birthing parent to not only embrace what their state and employer offer, but to take full advantage of what is offered.

As mothers, we know how hard it is to recover from birth while navigating your new life with a brand-new baby. And it is next to impossible to do this without the support of a partner, family, friends, and even hired support like postpartum doulas.

We need our partners there with us! And so often there is societal pressure for the non-birthing parent to return to work right away. Well, this year we say that it is time to take full advantage of what is offered by both your state and work’s benefits. Parenting is a partnership. Click here to check out our blog post about gender equality parenting and why it matters.

We need more non-birthing parents – yes, I’m talking to you, dads – to set a new standard for time off at work. Please use it and encourage other dads to use the time off that they get it as well!

Parental leave benefits that are available for both birthing and non-birthing parents:

  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires employers to guarantee their employees up to 12 weeks of time off during the first 12 months following the birth of a child to care for the newborn.

  • Paid Family Leave: Even though we lack paid federal family leave (which we hope to see resolved – and soon!), there are some states including California, Illinois, New York, Colorado, Oregon, New Jersey, and Vermont do offer varying degrees of paid family leave.

  • Employer benefits: In many cases, individuals and couples rely on what parental leave is permitted by their employer. Speak with HR at your company to find out what is available to you. TIP: Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need from your employer. If you don’t ask, you won’t know if they will accommodate your request. You could be pleasantly surprised!

TIP: If you need tips on how to talk to your employer about returning to work after your parental leave, we’ve put  together this handy guide.

Queen of Pumping - Breast Pump and Dish with New Mom Quote: You're worth is not defined by your job or role as a mother 

Rethinking hospital visitors

Let's chat about hospital visitors. During the pandemic, hospital visitors were not allowed, and a lot of new parents were actually surprised that they enjoyed having this time to bond privately with their newborn without the extra stress of hospital guests.

As we saw in 2023, more hospitals returned to pre-pandemic protocols, and visitors were welcomed back. It wasn’t until the return of hospital visitors that birthing parents realized how nice it was to have this time alone to bond with their baby. There are already constant interruptions by hospital staff to check on both mom and baby. Adding in visitors can be more overwhelming than helpful.

In 2024, we are once again ditching the hospital visitors. Remember, this is YOUR space, mama. If visitors add joy and support for you, that’s cool – do it! If they aren't, know that it's okay to set boundaries. Choose what works best for you. We are redefining what support looks like this year and preparing for the days following your birth.

Oh, and if you need some help packing your hospital bag, we got you! Be sure to check out our ultimate hospital bag list on what to pack for your hospital delivery.

Frida Mom Postpartum Underwear

Letting go of ‘supermom’ expectations and welcoming help at home

Alright, let's address the superhero cape for a moment. Mama, you're incredible, but you're not superwoman, and that's perfectly okay. Society has made us to believe that we can do everything, but not to burst your bubble – but we can’t. At least not without help!

It's time to let go of those supermom expectations. Embrace the support around you. We are not all lucky enough to have supportive parents or family around to help, but if you are – lean into this support system.

When preparing for the baby to arrive, we oftentimes focus heavily on the nursery, baby clothes, toys, and techy gadgets to help make the adjustment to motherhood easier. Well in 2024, we’re ditching this mindset and pivoting to finding your village.

Find your village throughout your pregnancy and prepare for them to play a key role in the days and weeks following birth. In 2024, we are letting go of egos and welcoming a supportive environment during the postpartum period! Appreciating a supportive and nurturing environment after birth is like a warm hug for your soul.

Enough about the baby - postpartum guide to surviving the first year of motherhood

Creating boundaries around ‘free’ help and replacing it with paid doula support

Okay, this may be an unpopular idea, but hear us out: Not all help, is good help.

Help from family members, including parents and in-laws is not always the help that you need. In fact, it could end up turning into an even more overwhelming experience than a helpful one when it comes to caring for your postpartum support needs.

Sometimes good help comes at a cost. In 2024, we are all about the modern approach to postpartum care. That’s right – doula support! This year we fully support integrating doula services into postpartum plans. Doulas are the unsung heroes of motherhood. These incredible beings bring a whole new level of support. It's like having a wise friend by your side. 

Tip: Add "Doula Support" to your baby registry!

Sure, free help sounds nice. But it isn’t always “free.” It could come at the cost of your mental health. If you have eager family members that want to help, that is amazing! Make sure to have conversations with them to make sure you are on the same page on why type of help you need.

Remember our chat about embracing help at home? Doula support is like the superhero ally in your village. And don’t forget to look into a night nurse and how they can beautifully integrate into your postpartum plans.

Postpartum Care Package

Judgment for Formula-Feeding or Breastfeeding: Embrace individual choice

Now, when it comes to feeding your little one, know this—your choice is the right choice. Whether it's breastfeeding or formula feeding, it's all about what works for you and your baby. No judgment, just love and support. Breastfeeding is one of the most awesome superpowers a mom can have. But a lot of mamas struggle with mom guilt because of outside influences.

Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding can be a heated debate, however, this year, in 2024 we are destigmatizing both formula-feeding and breastfeeding, or whichever combination of the two you prefer. It’s time that we just offer unconditional support to moms on their feeding journeys and celebrate it!

Revisit our conversation on our blog post on mom guilt because, trust us, it ties into making feeding choices without the guilt.

Speaking of breastfeeding, in 2024 we are… 

You're the Tits Water Bottle

Leaving the cover behind and challenging stigmas surrounding breastfeeding in public

Okay, let's talk about breastfeeding in public or even in the privacy of your own home. Mama, you do you. If you want to embrace the freedom of cover-free breastfeeding, that's a beautiful choice. No more hiding, no more stigmas. If you are a fan of covering up, that is fine, too.

In 2024, we invite you to join us in challenging the norms and celebrating the beauty of breastfeeding without the constraints. It’s time to drop the cover! It is your legal right to feed your baby wherever and whenever they are hungry or need comfort.

We hear all the time from moms that they can be made to feel uncomfortable breastfeeding their baby even in their own home when their family members or partner’s family members are visiting. This year, we have had enough!

If feeding your baby makes someone else feel uncomfortable, they have 2 options: Don’t look, or leave. It is not your responsibility to make them feel comfortable. In fact, we believe it should be the other way around. They should be doing everything possible to ensure that YOU are comfortable and taken care of.

Motherlove Nipple Cream

Ditching holiday travel plans and welcoming support to come to you

I know we have just been wrapped up in the holiday song and dance… oh joy!

Well, let’s chat about travel expectations and the holidays in 2024. This year, we give a green light to redefining traditions. This year, “home for the holidays” means YOUR home. Embrace celebrating the holidays at home and invite support to come to you. Creating a stress-free holiday environment right at home may be the best holiday gift of all. Your holidays, your way.

Also, bonus travel planning for 2024: Travel without the baby! That’s right. Traveling is not easy. Not only is it expensive, but with a new baby, you have to pack so many things with you.

That’s why we are embracing traveling without baby (and leaning into your support village to take care of the baby). We all know that you can use a break and the time can be used to reconnect with your partner, or to reconnect with yourself.

 Boob Socks

Hello empowered motherhood in 2024

In saying goodbye to old norms, as 2024 becomes our new canvas to paint our unique, empowered, motherhood journey. Every choice, whether it's about parental leave, embracing cover-free breastfeeding, redefining postpartum visits, or celebrating holidays at home, forges your own path.

As we step into this new era, let's celebrate the courage to break free, the beauty of spontaneity, and the empowerment found in embracing motherhood on our own terms.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to share it on social media, send the link to fellow mom friends, and join our supportive online mom community on Instagram and TikTok @tittycitydesign.

The Breast is Yet to Come Special Occasions Greeting Card with a Boob pun

At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female-owned and operated, small business here to spread self-love and body positivity with our line of boob apparel, boob accessories, and boob-themed decor and products for the home. A portion of our proceeds goes to help support postpartum people and breast cancer patients.

Unique Gifts for New Moms They Will Love

Breastfeeding Milk Goddess

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