6 Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby

6 Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby - but first boob - titty city design-full

Mama. You are a milk goddess!

Did you know that the liquid gold your incredible Titties produces provides not only food and medicine for your little one, but the act of breastfeeding itself has a ton of amazing benefits? For your Boobie monster and for you!

So, if you have ever wondered what the benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby are, then queen, you are in the right place. In this post, we’ll break down all the benefits and show you why you’re simply the breast and deserve all the praise in the world.

Benefits of breastfeeding for baby

From antibodies to comfort to ideal nutrition, your astounding milk offers the best benefits to your gorgeous little sleep thief! Here are some of our favorites.

#1 The perfect nutrition

Whether you pump or breastfeed, how does your body do it? How does it know exactly what your baby wants and needs? Well. It does. And it produces it straight from your glorious Boobies. 

Your breastmilk contains everything your babe needs for the first 6 months of their life. And, in the perfect proportions for their appetites. There’s a reason cluster-feeding is so important (but oh-so-tiring,) as it helps your Titties create more milk for your little one’s growing appetite. And even the composition of your milk changes to adapt to your babe’s needs. 

Colostrum, which is high in protein and low in sugar, is your little one’s first milk and it is packed with benefits. It helps your newborn’s immature digestive tract develop and as your baby’s tummy grows, your Boobs produce more milk with more calories to help them grow into a cute little chunky monkey.

Milky miracles!

#2 Helps their health

Your milk has the power to strengthen your babe’s immune system and help reduce their risk of contracting all kinds of illnesses, diseases, and other icky things.

Let’s have a little look at what it can help with.

Breastmilk protects against eczema and allergies. That’s because, unlike cow’s milk protein found in formula, the proteins in your milk are easy to digest and won’t cause allergic reactions (provided you stay away from the dairy if you think your baby is allergic.) Because it’s easier to break down in baby’s cute lil’ tummy, breastmilk causes fewer stomach upsets, and less diarrhea and constipation.

There are a bunch of other conditions breastfeeding can reduce the risk of, including:

  • Bowel disease
  • Diabetes
  • Gut infections
  • Colds and infections
  • Middle ear infections
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Obesity
  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • Childhood leukemia
  • SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

Told you your Titties are miracles!

#3 Boosts their brain

Research is still being done on this one, but many studies indicate that breastfed babies have higher intelligence scores later in life. Showing that there may be a difference in brain development between breastfed and formula-fed babes.

This could be due to the fatty acids in breastmilk, which are thought to be brain boosters, as well as the act of breastfeeding itself, which promotes touch, closeness, and eye contact. All of which help your baby’s long-term brain development.

Is it too soon to start planning for college?!

The latest research also suggests that breastfeeding is linked to behavior. A study showed that children who were breastfed for more than 4 months were 30% less likely to show behavioral issues at the age of 5.

Benefits of breastfeeding for mom

OK, so we know that your wonderful tits are capable of sustaining your babe and giving their bodies and minds the best start in life. BUT. Did you know that breastfeeding has a HUGE amount of benefits for you mama?

Here are just a few of our fave benefits of breastfeeding for moms. Get ready to fall even more in love with your milk-makers!

#1 The love hormone

Have you ever heard of a hormone called oxytocin? Also known as the love hormone and even the cuddle chemical (aww! Cute!) Oxytocin rushes through your body when you have skin-to-skin contact with your babe, and whenever your milk monster goes to town on your Boobs.

Oxytocin helps you bond with your new bundle of cuteness. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels. It can even help reduce the risk of developing postpartum depression. Oxytocin also promotes growth and healing and helps you feel positive and happy - thanks to its antidepressant effect. So, if you’re ever feeling a little low (we’ve all been there,) snuggle up with your milky babe and enjoy a few calm moments of feeding.

#2 It's super convenient

Sister, I hear you. Breastfeeding in those early months can be super tough, draining, and never-ending. BUT, once you and your little one have established Boobing and you feel confident in your incredible abilities, you’ll find popping a Titty out whenever and wherever your little one demands it a breeze! And so much easier than having to prepare a bottle and worry about measurements and sterilizing. 

And if your milk-loving babe has you up during the night for feeds, breastfeeding is the quickest and easiest way to feed and settle them. And bonus - you can Boob them lying down, allowing you to get a bit more much-needed shut-eye. That gorgeous hormone oxytocin will help you both head back to the land of nod quickly thanks to its sleep-inducing properties. 

#3 Reduces certain cancer and disease risks

The benefits of breastfeeding by month are also worth thinking about. Because the longer you breastfeed, the more health benefits you’ll both experience.

Did you know that every extra month you breastfeed reduces your risk of developing a number of cancers? Particularly breastfeeding for more than a year. Including uterus, ovary, and breast cancer. Pretty amazing, right?  This long-term protection provided by your Boobs also gives you a lower risk of developing other diseases such as MS (multiple sclerosis,) arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. 

Cheers to your tits!

You're amazing Breastie!

The benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby never end. Whether you boob for several hours or several years, you and your little one could still be enjoying the benefits for years to come. 

And if you want to treat yourself and your Breasties to a little something to show just how amazing they (and you) are for reaching breastfeeding milestones, then treat yourself here. However long you breastfeed or pump for, celebrate those incredible milestones. Breastfeeding takes a lot of hard work, and your journey deserves to be acknowledged. You're the TIts!

Be sure to check out some of our other blog posts on the Let's Talk Titties blog.

All the Breast,
xx Jessy and the Titty Team


At Titty City Design, We believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female owned and operated, small business here to spread self love and body positivity with our line of products for the home. A portion of our proceeds go to help support postpartum women and breast cancer patients.

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Breastfeeding Milk Goddess

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