13 Unexpected Pregnancy Symptoms You Never Imagined

13 weird pregnancy symptoms that are totally a thing - Expecting the unexpected - Titty City Design 

Estimated read time: 14 minutes

Wondering what are uncommon signs of pregnancy? Well we have put together a list of unheard of pregnancy symptoms

Maybe you are having some of the weirdest pregnancy symptoms. We were surprised to learn that strange signs of pregnancy are actually a thing! Did you ever experience any bizarre pregnancy symptoms? What about weird pregnancy symptoms before a missed period?

While peeing on a pregnancy test is the only way to be really sure that you have a lil’ bun in the oven, many women experience a bunch of wonderful but weird pregnancy symptoms that lead them to believe that they are indeed pregnant.

From nose bleeds to weird tastes, to bleeding gums to breakouts, here is a list of our favorite strange or unheard of pregnancy symptoms.

In this article:

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How early can you tell if you’re pregnant?

While a missed period and a positive pregnancy test are the only ways to know for sure if you’re preggo, women can experience weird pregnancy symptoms before missed periods. Everyone is different, and some of us are so in tune with our bodies that even the slightest symptom could lead us to question if we’re pregnant.

Some women start to notice subtle changes within a week after conception while others might not notice anything until they miss their period. 

We know how tempting it can be to pee on a stick if you’re trying to get pregnant. And a lot of us are so desperate to see that little blue line (or flashing PREGNANT) that we start taking tests a week or more before our periods are due. 

While pregnancy tests these days are super sensitive, it’s usually recommended to take a test on the day of or after your missed period. This is because pregnancy tests measure the level of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in your body. This is the hormone that starts to build and multiply when you conceive and it can take three or four weeks from the day of your last period for there to be enough hCG in your body to show up on a test.

That’s the technical bit. But you know what they say about a woman’s intuition. Sometimes, you just know. And sometimes, there can be a few clues of early pregnancy that might make themselves known before a missed period.

blue boob pool towel

What are the early signs of pregnancy?

      • Breast tenderness

      • Light spotting

      • Cramping

      • A higher basal body temperature

      • Changes in your cervical mucus

      • Fatigue

      • Needing to pee more

      • Nausea (the only symptom we ever see in movies!)

      • Bloating

These are the more common early pregnancy symptoms, the ones that make us go “ooh, maybe I’m pregnant!” But there are also a bunch of strange symptoms that occur in early pregnancy all the way to full-term.

Let’s dive in.

two women on pool chairs with boobie beach towels

Weird symptoms of pregnancy

Whether it’s strange symptoms before your missed period, weird pregnancy symptoms first trimester, or bizarre symptoms in late pregnancy, our bodies are amazing…and a little strange…and we all experience the wonderful world of pregnancy differently. 

It’s not a guarantee which signs of pregnancy you’ll have, if any, but you may experience one or many of these kinds of weird pregnancy symptoms. Know that things are likely normal, although make sure to check in with your healthcare provider about any strange pregnancy symptom that feels especially odd during pregnancy.

Here are 13 weird pregnancy symptoms you might not be expecting (and what causes them):

selfie in front of mirror with boobie phone case and pink titty towel

1. Increased vaginal discharge

We all experience vaginal discharge. Sometimes it’s watery, sometimes it’s gloopy, and sometimes, it’s sticky. And it’s all totally normal (unless there are signs of an infection).

Your uterus, cervix, and vagina produce discharge which is mainly made up of cells and bacteria. And this discharge has an important job as it helps clean and lubricate your vagina and fight off bad bacteria and infections.

While discharge isn’t often associated with pregnancy, most pregnant women will secrete sticky, white (or sometimes pale yellow) mucus early in their pregnancy and throughout. This is due to the increase in hormones and vaginal blood flow and the increase in discharge helps prevent infections as your cervix softens. 

So, don’t forget to pop a panty liner in your underwear if you do notice you’re a little wetter down there!

woman reading on a pool chair with pink boobie beach blanket tittytowel

2. Nosebleeds

Yep. Nosebleeds in pregnancy are a thing. In fact, they’re pretty common due to the hormonal changes that are happening in your body. 

Even if you’ve never experienced a nosebleed before, try not to worry. They are rarely serious (unless you’re losing a lot of blood) and are pretty easy to manage. More of an inconvenience than anything. Pregnancy nosebleeds tend to last from a few seconds to more than ten minutes.

Try these tips if you do experience nosebleeds:

      • Sit down and firmly pinch the soft part of your nose, just above your nostrils, for 10 to 15 minutes without releasing the pressure.
      • Lean forward and breathe through your mouth. 
      • Sit or stand upright, rather than lying down, as this will discourage further bleeding.

If you’re worried then give your midwife a call.

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3. Is it getting hot in here?!

When you ovulate your basal body temperature rises slightly and it stays elevated until you get your period. However, if you’re pregnant, your temperature can remain slightly higher for more than two weeks. So, if you’re feeling a little hot under the collar, it could be one of the many weird symptoms of pregnancy.

wrapped in a pink boobie pool towel

4. Headaches

Got a thumping headache you just can’t shake? Who knew that headaches could be a pregnancy symptom?! 

Pregnant women may experience headaches due to the increased estrogen levels in their bodies, as well as from any stress or tiredness, they might be feeling. Try to rest as much as you can (we know - easier said than done) and speak to your doctor about which pain relievers are safe to take during pregnancy. 

denim boobie hat on blue boobie towel with a you're the tits water bottle

5. Finding it hard to poop!

Ugh, that annoying bloating feeling can be so unpleasant, and you need a little relief. So, you sit on the toilet…but nothing happens. Hello, constipation!

We can thank those lovely pregnancy hormones again for this. Hormonal changes and prenatal vitamins can both lead to constipation, making that bloated feeling even worse. The changes cause your digestive system to slow down so nutrients have some extra time to absorb and reach your baby. Great for baby…not so great for mama.

Try adding some more fiber into your diet and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and getting some gentle exercise. If the constipation is really bad, speak to your doctor about taking a pregnancy-safe stool softener.

blue you're the tits water bottle, pink you're the tits water bottle, and black you're the tits water bottle

6. Acne

One of the more annoying weird pregnancy symptoms is acne. Yep. We’ve regressed to puberty skin. Yay.

Acne can be an early sign of pregnancy, and some women who already have acne find it can get worse during pregnancy. While acne doesn’t cause physical discomfort, it can be annoying and zap your confidence. Where is that gorgeous pregnancy glow we were promised?!

While we don’t know for sure why acne happens during pregnancy, it’s probably to do with those extra hormones flooding your body.

To help treat acne, wash your face morning and night with a mild cleanser, try using oil-free makeup, and don’t pick or squeeze it. There are some acne medications that are safe for pregnancy, so speak to your doctor if your spots are getting you down.

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7. Why can I taste metal?

93% of women experience the bizarre metallic taste called dysgeusia. Hormones, such as estrogen, are believed to be the cause of this weird pregnancy symptom. It might make eating your favorite foods hard for a while, as everything tastes like you’re sucking on a penny. But don’t worry, it usually recedes after the first trimester.

blue boobie beach blanket towel with vacation sun tan lotion by the pool

8. Drool

Yeh. This is a fun one. A lot of pregnant women find they produce more saliva during pregnancy. And, they’re right! Saliva production increases - hormones again - and it’s common to have excessive saliva during the first trimester. This is known as ptyalism and it can be a pain in the butt.

Salivating too much often goes hand in hand with morning sickness, so if you find your drool is building up, keep tissues with you so you can spit it out whenever it becomes annoying or uncomfortable. 

woman reading on a blue boob beach towel drinking from a you're the tits water bottle

9. Faster heartbeat

Feeling your heart racing a mile an hour? It’s not just because you’re excited about your new baby. Your heart rate actually quickens in early pregnancy because of the sudden increase in the volume of blood circulating around your amazing body. 

two women relaxing on boobie beach towel blankets by the pool

10. Weird dreams

If you find yourself having strange dreams more frequently, then it’s probably not because of what you’re watching on TV. 

Pregnancy actually triggers changes in your sleep pattern and the way your brain processes information and emotions. Crazy, right? This can cause you to have vivid and odd dreams and better recall, so you can tell your partner all about them in the morning.

woman relaxing by the pool on pink titty towel

11. Sore and bleeding gums

A surge in pregnancy hormones increases blood flow to your gums, which can cause them to become tender, swollen, or even bleed. You could also experience something called pyogenic granuloma, which are non-cancerous inflammatory growths. 

Even if your gums are sore, it’s super important to practice good oral hygiene. Try switching to a softer toothbrush and see your dentist for regular checkups. 

black boobie beach blanket titty towel

12. Carpal tunnel syndrome

A weird pregnancy symptom that can happen in the second trimester is carpal tunnel syndrome. 

The carpal tunnel is a passage between your wrist and your hand, with the median nerve (which controls some movement of your thumb and supplies feeling to your fingers) running through it. Because of fluid retention during pregnancy, you can experience swelling, which can cause the median nerve to become pinched. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be super annoying, especially first thing in the morning or late at night.

To help, try this: 

      • Don’t sleep on your hands.
      • Avoid activities that make the symptoms worse.
      • Wear a wrist splint or brace.
      • Try switching to an ergonomic keyboard and take frequent breaks.

It’s annoying, but it will pass. 

pink boobie pool towel with mint you're the tits water bottle and denim hat with boobies

13. Whoops! Excuse me!

We’re ending our list of weird pregnancy symptoms with this doozy. When you’re pregnant, you might find you… pass gas a lot more.

Even in early pregnancy, changing hormones and hormone levels mean trapped wind can be a bit of an issue. That lovely hormone progesterone relaxes all the muscles in your body… including your intestine. This can cause an uptake of bloating, burping, and farting. But, hey. It’s all-natural and normal, so don’t sweat it!

smiling woman drinking from black you're the tits water bottle with blue titty towel boobie beach blanket

Having some unheard of pregnancy symptoms?

You’re not alone mama.

Women’s bodies are incredible and can perform the most amazing feats - including pregnancy and childbirth. But with the good comes the (kinda weird) symptoms of pregnancy, that, as frustrating as they can be, are only temporary. And it’s all worth it at the end when your precious bundle is in your arms.

Just remember, if you ever experience a pregnancy symptom that concerns you, always speak to your doctor or midwife to put your mind at rest. 

Have you experienced some weird pregnancy symptoms? Join the conversation over on our Instagram page and let us know! 

You’ve got this mama. And we’re so proud of you. 

At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female-owned and operated, small business here to spread self-love and body positivity with our line of boob apparel, boob accessories, and boob-themed decor and products for the home. A portion of our proceeds goes to help support postpartum people and breast cancer patients.

Unique Baby Shower Gifts for The Mom, Not the Baby 

Breastfeeding Milk Goddess

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