8 Essential Tips for How to Support a New Mom

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Having a new baby is such a magical time.

But sometimes it isn’t all rainbows and sunshine when welcoming a new milky bundle of joy into the world... after 9 months of stretch marks, morning sickness, swollen ankles, and all the other joys that pregnancy brings! 

A lot of mamas go through a tough birth and a tough time post-birth. And there are things you can do and say (and not do and not say) that will help a new mama navigate this exciting (but challenging) time. So, if you are looking for tips for how to support a new mom and ideas of thoughtful things to do for new moms, then you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll help you with what to say to new parents, and what you can do to help make their new journey a smooth one.

Why supporting new moms is so important

If you’re reading this, then you are on the hunt for tips for new moms and how to support them. And we love you for that! 

Knowing how to support new mamas is essential - both for baby and for mama. It can be tricky to know what to say to a new mom who is struggling, as you don’t want to step on her toes or make her feel like she isn’t doing enough.

We need mamas to feel nurtured, supported, and important. Just as much as the new bundle of squishy cuteness they have just carried and brought into the world. And as lovely as physical gifts are (who can resist adorable onesies and matching muslins?) if you want to support the new mama in your life, small acts of kindness and words of encouragement are worth their weight in gold. Or, worth their weight in diapers!

Don’t forget, your Breast Friend’s body has gone through a trauma, she is dealing with hormone changes, breastfeeding, possible anxiety, body changes, very little sleep...and keeping her new little one safe, loved, and nourished. It’s a lot! 

There are a bunch of thoughtful things to do for new moms, and things new moms need for themselves that you can help with. Here are some of our favorite top tips for new moms and how you can support them.

#1 Mom advice

If your Breastie has just had a baby, then you might be desperate to give her all the advice from your experience as a mama, or aunt, or whatnot. BUT. Every birth and postpartum experience is different. Every baby is unique. And, as well-intended as your advice is, it might be best to just keep it to yourself. Unless she has specifically asked for it.

This is an overwhelming time, and too much advice or information can add additional stress to her already frazzled mind. So, unless she asks for it, try not to offer too much advice. However, do offer as many words of encouragement as you can muster!

This is especially important if you don’t know what to say to a new mom who is struggling or anxious. Let her know what an incredible job she is doing by sending her messages or even cute little postcards and notes! Remind her how amazing she is and how proud you are of her. It can make all the difference. For real!

#2 All the food

The last thing any new parent wants to do when they come home from the hospital with their new bundle of joy is cook! One of the most thoughtful things to do for new moms is providing them with food. 

If you can, prepare a few meals that can be heated up in the oven. A nourishing home-cooked meal can be just what is needed after a stay in the hospital. And don’t wait to be asked to bring food - just make it and drop it off. She will be so appreciative and it will really help her out. If cooking isn’t really your thang, then no problem! Arrange for takeout a couple of times a week and just let her know when it is on its way. 

You could even arrange a meal train with other friends and family members. That way everyone can bring a dish on a different day, and she’ll be fed and feel loved and looked after.

#3 Don't ask. Just do it.

A new mom will always be: hungry, tired, thirsty, and in need of a break or some time to herself. But we can guarantee your Breastie won’t want to ask for help. So, just do it without being asked. 

Pop round and have a look and see what needs doing, and what she probably doesn’t have the time or energy to do. Give the house a little tidy. Make the beds, empty the dishwasher, buy and put away groceries, take out the trash, make her a cup of tea and hold the baby so she can take a shower. If she has other kids, make them dinner or take them out for the afternoon to give them attention and mama some space.

All these little acts of kindness will go a long way and help new moms feel cared for. 

#4 Pay attention to her

We know, we know. When there’s a new baby in the room, it can be hard to notice anything else. All anyone wants to do is cuddle the baby and coo over how adorable he is. And as lovely as this is, it can make mama feel invisible. After all, she did all the hard work and now she’s not getting any attention.

And this feeling of invisibility can make mamas feel unappreciated and undervalued. So make sure you notice her first. Give her a hug and a squish (being careful of any stitches!) and speak to her while cuddling the baby. Let her know how gorgeous she is, ask how she’s feeling, and see if she wants to talk about anything in particular. And ALWAYS check in with how she is feeling. 

#5 Bring her a gift

It can be so tempting to buy as many adorable gifts as possible for a new baby. But as well as buying something for the baby, why not buy a little treat for the new mama? 

This is another of our fave thoughtful things to do for new moms. She’s probably been gifted with a ton of cute bits for the baby. But what is something you could give to a new mom that she would really appreciate? Something just for her?

Show her that she matters by bringing gifts such as chocolate or her favorite snacks. A comfy nightshirt that’s perfect for lounging around the house and for breastfeeding. A cute present that celebrates her efforts in breastfeeding (if she chooses to do it.) Cozy socks and other self-care items such as bath products. Or maybe a gift certificate for a massage once she’s feeling up to it. 

#6 Hold the baby

You might not think it, but one of the best things you can do for a new mom is to just hold the baby. When you go round for a visit, hold the baby (getting your cuddle fix) and give your pal the time she needs to do some bits for herself. 

Whether that’s having a shower, spending time with her other kids, or just having a nap. Sometimes, things new moms need for themselves is just a bit of time. She might want to go out for a walk or do something normal like pop to the store or have her hair done. Insist on holding the baby for a good amount of time so she can have that time for what she needs it for. 

#7 Help with pets

Does your friend have a furry member of the family? Chances are, if she has a dog or cat or another kind of pet, then they’re probably getting a little neglected with a new baby in the house!

Keep Fido happy by taking him for walks when you can. A new mama will still want her fur baby taken care of, so this is one of the kindest things you can offer to do. And while you’re there, you can make sure the fur baby has its food and water set for the day, as well as cleaning up after them - if needed.

#8 Arrange a night nurse

Lack of sleep can be one of the hardest things to deal with when it comes to having a baby. If your friend is finding the sleepless nights hard to cope with, then why not help her out? Speak to other close friends and family and ask if they would like to chip in to pay for a night nurse.

Even a night or two with a night nurse can make a huge difference to a new mom. Allowing her to get much-needed sleep, so she can recharge and take on the day. A night nurse can be a real luxury that she might not feel comfortable booking herself. By arranging one for her, you’re providing her with an amazing gift that she will love.

So proud of you Breastie!

Becoming a mama can be so overwhelming, and without the right support, new moms can feel like they’re drowning. In a sea of dirty diapers, breast pumps, and well-meaning (but maybe not needed) advice. Now you know how to support a new mom, and what to say to a new mom who is struggling, you can help make her days - and nights - a little easier. You’re both amazing! 

If your new mama friend is breastfeeding, then a cute lil’ gift to celebrate her milk goddess status is essential. Choose something that shows them what a fantastic job they are doing, and how amazing they really are. 

If you liked this post, be sure to check out some of our other blog posts on the Let's Talk Titties blog.

All the Breast,
xx Jessy and the Titty Team


At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female owned and operated, small business here to spread self love and body positivity with our line of products for the home. A portion of our proceeds go to help support postpartum women and breast cancer patients.

You're Simply the Breast

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