How to Check Your Breasts And Keep Them Happy and Healthy

Feel it on the first - Breast Cancer Awareness - Titty City Design

In case you were wondering, your Tits are amazing!

At Titty City Design, we are in constant awe of the humble Tit, and just how incredible they are. From feeding our babies to looking drop-dead gorgeous, Boobies are the tits! But in order for your milk makers to stay on top form, you need to look after them. And give them the love and attention they deserve. And that means keeping them healthy.

Knowing how to check your breasts and how to check your breasts for lumps is essential for healthy breasts. By checking your Tits regularly, you’ll know what looks and feels normal for you, and what might need checking out. 

We’re here to help! Check out our Boobie brilliant guide for how to check your breasts and how to keep your Tits happy, healthy, and beautiful.

Brave Boobies Mastectomy mug

What does normal breast tissue feel like?

First things first Breast Friend. Healthy breasts come in all shapes and sizes. And that’s one of the reasons we love them so much! Some are bigger, smaller, saggier, pointier... and they are all gorgeous.

However, it’s super important to recognize when something doesn’t feel right with your breasts. Getting to know your Boobs and checking your Titties for any changes can help detect breast cancer early. There are signs and symptoms of breast cancer that you should familiarize yourself with. And we will be going through all of them a bit later. 

When it comes to how to check your breasts, you first need to know what healthy breasts feel like. So, if you ever wonder what does normal breast tissue feel like? Then Breastie — we’ve got your back... Or your Boobs!

When you feel your Boobs you might notice lumpy breast tissue. Normal breast tissue often feels lumpy, and this varies from woman to woman. And the texture of your breast tissue can vary at different times in your menstrual cycle, and even throughout your life! Your glorious milk makers go through changes when you have your period, when you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, menopause, and puberty. Phew! 

This is why it is best to check your Tits at the same time each month. If you do this, you will quickly discover what is “normal” for your Boobies. And if you notice any changes, you can get them checked out quickly.

Boobie Bag Denim Tote Bag for breast cancer patients

Feel it on the 1st 

First thing’s first, you need to know WHEN to check your breasts. This will help answer the question of what does breast tissue feel like and what’s normal for you.

It’s recommended to check your Boobies once a month, at the same time each month. An easy way to remember to check your boobs is if you check them every 1st of the month — Feel it on the first!

However, it is preferable to check your breasts after the end of your period, otherwise (for men and those who don’t have periods) try checking on the same day of each month (like on the first).  If you have any doubts or concerns about this then please do speak to your doctor. 

It’s also a great idea to keep a journal or diary of your self-checks so you can record and track any changes you might have noticed. To help you out, we've created a free download to help you keep track and record any changes in your breasts that you can then take to discuss with your healthcare provider.

Free Download Feel it on the First - Check Your Titties - Self Breast Exam Worksheet - Titty City Design

Free Download

How to check your breasts 

Checking your Boobs should only take a few minutes. You can do a breast self-exam either lying down or in the shower. The water and soap will help your fingers glide over your gorgeous Boobies. Remember, it is important to check the whole breast area. This means the breast, upper chest, and armpits:

  1. Face a mirror and have a look at your breasts. Look and see what is normal for you. Do this with your arms relaxed and by your side and then with them raised over your head. Lift each breast and check them individually. 
  2. Now, with medium to firm pressure and using the pads of your fingers, massage in a spiral pattern (about the size of a quarter) starting at your nipple. And keep this pattern up all the way to the top of your breast, near where your collarbone is. Then, lift one arm over your head and massage with the other hand up the side of your breast and into your armpit. Swap over and do the same on the other side.
  3. Lastly, give your nipples a little squeeze to check for any discharge. That's it. If you notice something that you are not sure is normal. Always, always, always reach out to your healthcare provider.
Brave Boobies mastectomy gift

Signs and symptoms to watch out for

When examining your Boobies, there are things to watch out for. If you spot any of these signs then it’s a good idea to give your doctor a call just to make sure everything’s OK. These are signs that guys should look for as well, as men can get breast cancer too.

  1. Any unusual changes in the shape or size of one of your Boobies
  2. If one of your breasts looks lower than the other (and that’s not normal for you)
  3. A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest, or armpit
  4. Pain or discomfort in a localized part of your breast that’s there most of the time - if not all the time (remember, this can include your chest or under your arms)
  5. Any changes to the skin, such as dimpling or puckering 
  6. Changes in skin color or a rash around your nipple area. It might look red or inflamed for example
  7. Any changes in your nipples. Does your nipple look pulled in (inverted,) or has it changed position or shape?
  8. Crusting around the nipple area
  9. Discharge (this could be watery, milky, yellow fluid or blood) leaking from either of your nipples

Remember, even if you find a lump, try not to panic. Lumpy breast tissue is quite normal and the majority of lumps aren’t cancerous and are normally caused by other benign issues. Breast lumps can also be caused by:

  • Mammary fat necrosis — lumps formed by bruised, dead, or injured fat tissue
  • Fibrocystic breast disease — painful, lumpy breasts caused by hormone changes
  • Intraductal papilloma — small, benign tumor of the milk ducts
  • Fibroadenoma — benign tumor of the breast tissue

Always check with your doctor for any concerns and to have a professional examination if you’re worried. Even though 9 out of 10 lumps found are non-cancerous, the earlier cancerous breast lumps are treated the better. You’ve got this Breastie!

Brave Boobies Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness Mastectomy Socks

Keep you and your Boobies happy

We know it can be a scary thing to think about checking your Boobies for lumps and bumps. But knowing how to check your breasts and how to check your breasts for lumps is one of the best things you can do for your health. For now and for the future.

All the Breast,
xx Jessy and the Titty Team



At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female owned and operated, small business here to spread self love and body positivity with our line of products for the home. A portion of our proceeds go to help support postpartum women and breast cancer patients.


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