How To Fill Your Cup When Life Is Stressing You Out

Fill your Tit Teacup, Teapot decorated in boobs and boob mug

When you become a mom, your life changes so quickly.

Instead of just looking after yourself, you suddenly have to put someone else's needs first. 

It’s kind of like an innate thing. We forget to eat, drink that hot cup of coffee, shower, dress in something that isn’t pulled out of the dirty laundry bin (who has time to do the laundry, right?!) Because, in our minds, our little humans have to have their needs met first.

And, as women, we tend to put everyone’s needs before ours.

We want to do everything for everyone. But we’re so busy, all we end up doing is cramming in more and more for everyone else, using any time that could be spent on ourselves on everyone else instead. 

Which, by the end of the day, leaves us feeling tired and stressed out. Drained. Exhausted, even. And guilty. With no time left for ourselves.

Does this sound familiar? 

If so mama, then you need to fill your cup.

Not sure what we’re talking about? Well, keep reading Breastie, because this post is for you.

What does fill your cup even mean?

Essentially, it’s taking care of yourself first.

We know. This sounds like a crazy idea. Especially as society kind of has a way of making us feel selfish if we take care of ourselves, and put our needs on top.

Guilty even. 

Taking care of yourself is keeping your cup full. Think about it this way. If your cup is empty — if you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, broken, stressed... what can you offer anyone? If you have nothing for yourself, then you have nothing to share with or give to others. 

Filling your cup is a lovely way of talking about self-care. Positive affirmations are a part of this, but, it goes even further. 

Taking those precious moments (or even hours) to ourselves can make all the difference in your mood for the entire day. We need to be well and “full” ourselves in order to help others. And yes, that includes our babies. 

You need strength and energy. If you don’t, and if you give that to everyone else and don’t embrace it yourself, then not only will you not be able to help yourself, but you won’t be able to help those around you. Now and in the future. 

If your cup is full, you’ll be able to love and help others better. Because you can’t pour from an empty cup mama!

9 Simple ways to fill your cup 

Now, we know YOU know you need to look after yourself in order to help others. But just because you know it, doesn’t mean you’re doing it.

And who can blame you Breastie?

As a woman, you’re a natural high achiever and caregiver.  You’re a mama, a partner, a worker, a friend, a sister, a daughter... we know how busy you are. How many responsibilities you have. And how you’re pulled in so many different directions.  

But failing to take care of yourself, failing to fill your cup, will hurt you in the long run. Burnout and stress are all too real and can be so damaging mentally and physically. 

Which is why we want you to stop. Take a break. Put your feet up. That phone call can wait. The dishes can wait. That report can wait. It’s time to make YOU your priority and make time for yourself. 

Practice these simple ways to fill your cup whenever you feel like life is getting a bit too much.

We’re with you Breastie!

#1 Look after your body

We only have one and it’s easy to give it a tough time when it really needs all the love and affection in the world. 

Looking after your body is a great way to fill your cup, as you’re taking care of your physical self. Try taking some time out and going for a walk, take a yoga class, enjoy a few minutes of gentle stretching and quiet time before getting ready for the day, or turn Beyonce up on the Alexa and get down in the kitchen shaking your Titties to Who Runs The World? Spoiler alert... it’s girls! 

#2 Slow down

Yep. It’s as simple as that.

Take a look at your to-do list for the day and ask yourself if EVERYTHING on there is really necessary. If some of the things can wait, then cross them off and use that time to do something for you. Or, nothing at all. Take it slow and steady and remember that counts as self-care too.

#3 Enjoy your food

We don’t know about you, but when life gets so busy, you don’t tend to enjoy your food, but rather inhale your food. If you even remember to eat at all!

It’s easy to grab something quick to munch on the go, but it probably isn’t always the healthiest choice. We know we’re guilty of this! So, instead of grabbing whatever is quick and easy, make time to actually enjoy your food. Treat yourself to nourishing meals and SIT DOWN to eat them. Even if it’s just one meal a day. It can help you reset and recharge. 

#4 Pursue your hobby

Whether you love reading, watching movies, baking, sketching, or hiking... give yourself permission to pursue it. 

It’s so good for us to have something that’s just ours. And having a little time in the day carved out to do it can make such a difference to our mental wellbeing and happiness. And try not to do it right at the end of the day when you’re more likely to fall asleep!

    #5 Spend time with your girlfriends

    When most of your socializing is spent with your little ones or on playdates, it’s easy to forget that you’re not just a mom. You’re your own person. The person you were before having babies. And we bet your Breast friends have forgotten too.

    Well. No more! Make a date, or a few dates, with your Breasties and stick to them. Then enjoy getting dressed up and have fun reconnecting with your buddies and yourself. You’ll feel like a new woman!

    #6 Have a date night

    Being a parent means you hardly have time to be a couple anymore.

    But, having that precious couple time together is so important for you both. A night where you talk to each other without interruptions. Where you dress up for each other and fall in love with each other all over again. 

    Plan a date, get a babysitter, slip on something that makes you feel amazing, order a glass (or 3) of wine, and have fun.

    #7 Take a long, hot soak

    A beautifully hot and bubbly bath is one of life’s simple pleasures. 

    But because our lives are so hectic and time-poor, we hardly ever have time to enjoy them. Showers are so much more convenient, right?

    So tonight, give yourself an hour. Run a bath, pour in your favorite bubble bath or bath oil, light some candles, maybe have some music playing gently. You could even treat yourself to a bath side glass of wine. Then step in, relax and unwind. And try to stay in until you feel yourself start to prune up. 

    #8 Plan a pajama day

    It might feel indulgent, but planning a day (or even an afternoon or morning) where you can have the house to yourself, and not have to worry about getting dressed or made up will feel like the biggest luxury in the world. 

    If the kids are in school, book yourself a day off work, or allow yourself a day free of errands, and just take back your home. Curl up on the couch and binge-watch every Netflix show you can. Pop yourself some popcorn, pour yourself a tea, and just enjoy the peace.

    #9 Get into bed early

    We’re talking as soon as you’ve finished and digested dinner early.

    If you normally hit the sack at 11 pm, aim to crawl into bed at 9 pm, or even earlier. You don’t have to go to sleep, but just enjoy being in bed. Take a book with you, light a couple of scented candles, slip on some cozy bed socks, and make yourself a hot cocoa. This tiny but lovely act of self-care will feel like such a treat. 

    Fill your cup and put YOU first mama

    Any time you think it’s OK to let your cup get empty, just remember something. A car doesn’t run without gas. And you wouldn’t expect it to.

    If a car has no gas, it has no energy and it’s no use to anybody. It’s the same in life Breastie. If your cup is empty, you’ll have no energy left to give. And, while we’re not comparing you to a car, it kinda works the same way. 

    Put yourself first. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Show your friends, family, kids, colleagues, Jane next door, that your health and your energy matters. Make time for yourself. Treat yourself. Prioritize yourself.

    You’ve got this mama.

    Share what you do to fill your cup in the comments below — you might be able to help inspire someone else with your routines.



    At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female owned and operated, small business here to spread self love and body positivity with our line of products for the home. A portion of our proceeds go to help support postpartum women and breast cancer patients.

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