Our Loving Guide On How To Support Someone With Breast Cancer

When someone you love is diagnosed with breast cancer, it can feel like a massive blow to your stomach.
You’re at a loss at what to say. Everything feels wrong. Or forced.
And you don’t know what to do to help ease their pain, worry, anxiety, and fear. We know mama. And you’re an amazing Breastie for feeling like this.
If you can’t find the words for what to say to a friend with cancer, or how to support someone going through chemo, then we’re here for you. Our guide for how to help a friend with breast cancer is just what you need to support your Breast Friend, sister, cousin, mom, aunt, or any other incredible woman fighting the big C.
We hope it helps. And we’re always here, in your corner, sending you love.
Our tips for how to support someone with breast cancer
When a woman you love is diagnosed with breast cancer, you can be left on the sideline. Feeling helpless. And terrified.
But your support and love as they go through diagnosis, treatment, and what comes after could be the perfect remedy to get them through it. If you’re feeling a little uncertain about how to support someone going through chemo or other treatment associated with breast cancer, then follow our tips. And take it step by step.
What to say to a friend with cancer
Knowing what to say to a friend with cancer is one of the toughest things. You’re constantly worried that you’re going to say the wrong thing. Or, make a joke to try and cheer them up and it goes down worse than a Boobie after your baby’s finished draining it.
First thing’s first.
Ask them if they actually want to talk about it. They’re probably feeling incredibly overwhelmed right now and might not have the words to say what they’re feeling internally.
Don’t take it personally if they say they don’t want to talk about it. Just let them know you are always there, any time, any day, whenever they want to talk, or just have someone to be there with them. It’s also a good idea to avoid saying things like “everything will be OK,” and “just think positive thoughts.” She’s ALLOWED to be pissed off, sad, bummed out, angry...and even if you think you’re being helpful by saying things like this, it can actually have the opposite effect.
And don’t feel like you HAVE to say anything. They might just want you to do the listening. Sometimes the best and most supportive thing you can do is let your brave Breastie do the talking.
Act like you normally do
Your Breast Friend probably doesn’t want anyone looking at her differently, or giving her pitying stares. Especially her best friends or those closest to her.
We’re not saying ignore her diagnosis. But just act as you normally do together. If you have a regular catch-up date, then make sure you keep it (as long as she feels well enough.) If you’re planning a night out with your other Breasties, then invite her too. She might not be up for coming, but keeping her included in the fun stuff will give her a morale boost.
Chat about her diagnosis, but also normal, boring stuff! Like the latest binge-watch on Netflix, that awesome new pizza place in town, or how much your kids are driving you crazy! It’s nice to feel normal in a scary situation.
Just do stuff
Don’t say to your friend or other woman you love going through breast cancer “let me know if you need anything...just shout if I can help in any way.”
Because, the chances are, she won’t. She won’t want to be a bother. Women are strong AF and we find it hard to ask for help. Especially if you have your own stuff going on. But don’t assume just because she isn’t asking, doesn’t mean she doesn’t need help.
Don’t ask. Just do stuff. Make a meal or two and bring them over. Take her dog out for walks. Pick up the kids from school and have them over for a play date. Hire a cleaner to help out with chores around the house. By just doing stuff, you’re saving her from feeling awkward for asking. And you’re anticipating the little things that she needs to feel like herself.
Be a note taker
Your friend has so much going on right now, and she might find it challenging to take everything in. Offer to go with her on her appointments and take a notebook so you can write notes on everything the doctors and nurses say.
This will be super helpful when it comes to talking about treatment options, next steps, or any other discussions that need to happen.
Treat her with little surprises
Although material things really aren’t important, they can make a huge difference to someone’s day. Especially when they are going through such a hard and traumatic time as breast cancer treatment.
Cheer your Breastie up with little treats and gifts to show her how loved she is and to just make her smile. Even if only for a minute. Make a note of all the days she’s going in for treatment, and choose a little gift for her to take with her, or leave for her when she gets home. Some good lotion to help with dry skin, cozy socks to help her feel comfortable, a book she’s wanted to read forever, a beautiful bunch of colorful flowers, or anything else that’ll make her day just a little bit brighter.
Send frequent messages of love
Your friend might not feel like replying to phone calls or messages. Especially if she’s having a bad day. When you leave a message, don’t ask for a response “let me know how you’re feeling.”
Instead, just send frequent messages, letting her know you’re thinking of her, you love her, and that you’re there for her. Include anything that you think will make her smile, and don’t end the message with wording that expects a response. Gently checking in like this will show that she’s always on your mind.
Being there for a friend with breast cancer is tough Breastie
But we know you have the strength and courage to do this.
Just remember that supporting someone with breast cancer can be very demanding and heartbreaking for you. And if you want to continue helping them, physically and emotionally, then you need to look after yourself too Breast Friend.
Take some time out for yourself. Give yourself permission to cry and feel all the feelings. Try and get rest, eat well, and get as many hugs as you can. You’ve both got this. You’re brave, superwomen, and we’re here to support you both whenever you need it.
At Titty City Design, we believe that every boobie is beautiful, and that should be celebrated. We are a female owned and operated, small business here to spread self love and body positivity with our line of products for the home. A portion of our proceeds go to help support postpartum women and breast cancer patients.