Being breast-aware is so important. This means getting to know your breasts. And we mean really getting to know them. Checking your breasts and having regular breast screenings are crucial for early detection. Making it easier to treat breast cancer. Here's what you need to know...
It’s no secret that at Titty City Design, we love Boobies. Boobs of all shapes, colors, and sizes. We love ‘em all. There is no such thing as a one size fits all pair of Titties. That’s because your breasts are unique. Just like you mama. It’s perfectly OK if your breasts...
Knowing how to check your breasts and how to check your breasts for lumps is essential for healthy breasts. By checking your Tits regularly, you’ll know what looks and feels normal for you, and what...
Breastfeeding is amazing (and so are you by the way!) It’s an incredible, empowering, wonderful journey that is packed with benefits for both you and your little bundle of joy. But, and we know this firsthand, it can also be...
Did you know breastmilk boosts brainpower? Check out these 6 incredible benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby. Whether you boob for several hours or several years, you and your little one could...
Soon after I started myInstagramaccount that showed off my Titty designs, I started to receive many requests to add mastectomy boobies into my designs. I loved this idea so much and I am so grateful it was brought to my attention. It took a few tries, but once I got it down, they...